Cousin Sekou’s Collard Greens

Greens are a staple in the soul food diet, and almost always a part of the black family holiday dinner table. However, the traditional recipe calls for cooking greens for long periods of time in fatty meats which kills all the health value greens can offer. After visiting my cousin Sekou in Oakland whose mother lived in Ghana for awhile, I learned that greens could be prepared in a more healthful fashion, and still retain their flavor. The recipe below is my variation of their Ghanaian recipe and requires no meat for seasoning.

Cousin Sekou’s Collard Greens


Bunches or bags of pre-washed collard greens

Palm oil (found in specialty stores) or olive oil

Bragg’s Liquid Aminos (to taste)

1 tablespoon of garlic

1 white onion, sliced thin

1 teaspoon fresh ginger

1 tablespoon red pepper flakes


1. Wash and shred collard greens in cold water.

2. Add one tablespoon of oil to a large pot. Add a tablespoon of minced garlic, a teaspoon of minced ginger and an entire sliced onion. Saute until onion is translucent. Add a tablespoon of Bragg’s Liquid Aminos and saute 2 minutes more.

3. Add greens in batches and saute with Bragg’s, onions, garlic, and ginger until greens are wilted but still crisp and bright green, about 8 minutes. Spinkle with red pepper flakes and serve hot.