As we welcome 2014 into our lives, we decided the best way to start our year was by acquainting you with the many members of the Black Is family! Though Chris and I work feverishly to bring you quality content every week, we cannot make it happen without the dedication of our editorial and podcast team members. We invite you to meet them and learn a little more about the people behind the mics.
We also want to encourage you to register as a Black Is member to receive our new, quarterly newsletter, THE BIZ, and gain access to members-only content and updates on what’s coming to the site. Trust us – you will benefit from registering early! If you would like to hear from us more frequently, sign up for your Daily Dose of Black Is to get our weekly content straight to your inbox for easy access! You will find the Daily Dose sign up on the right-hand side of the homepage. If your like what you receive, please share it with friends and family.
We look forward to what 2014 has to bring us and we hope you enjoy it as well! As always, feel free to reach out with comments, questions, suggestions, and topic ideas by emailing us at, or calling the hotline at (323) 455-4219.
Much love,
KC & Chris