LA EVENTS: Sister Souljah at Eso Won Bookstore

Sister Souljah, the New York Times bestselling author of The Coldest Winter Ever andMidnight, delivers her most compelling and enlightening story yet. With Midnight and The Meaning of Love, Souljah brings to her millions of fans an adventure about young, deep love, the ways in which people across the world express their love, and the lengths that they will go to have it.

Powerful and sensual, Midnight is an intelligent, fierce fighter and Ninjutsu-trained ninja warrior. He attracts attention wherever he goes but remains unmoved by it and focuses on protecting his mother and sister and regaining his family’s fortunes. When Midnight, a devout Muslim, takes sixteen-year-old Akemi from Japan as his wife, they look forward to building a life together, but their tumultuous teenage marriage is interrupted when Akemi is kidnapped and taken back to Japan by her own father, even though the marriage was consummated and well underway.

“There’s not one drop of inferiority in my blood,” Midnight says as he first secures his mother, Umma, and sister, Naja, before setting off on a global journey to reclaim his wife. Midnight must travel across three countries and numerous cultures in his attempt to defeat his opponent. Along this magnificent journey he meets people who change him forever, even as he changes them. He encounters temptations he never would have imagined and takes risks that many a lesser man would say no to, all for the women he loves and is sworn to protect.

See Sister Souljah on Monday, May 2, 2011 from 7 – 9 pm

Eso Won Bookstore
4331 Degnan Blvd. LA.
(323) 290-1048

One Reply to “LA EVENTS: Sister Souljah at Eso Won Bookstore”

  1. I attended one in Toronto put on by PlayStation and GameStop. It was a few klcobs from my place, and they had one of those PlayStation tractor trailers with PS3s running the game. It started at 9PM EST, so I got some good time with the Zombies and Campaign. The systems weren’t linked up, but it would have been sweet to try the multiplayer on LAN since they had like 12 stations. And there was a huge-ass TV running it in 3D. There was a huge wait to try it in 3D so I skipped it, but most people were pretty impressed. They also had some of the RC-XDs from the Prestige Edition there, and they were doing races for prizes. I sadly, was not picked to compete. It would have been sweet to get the game at 10 instead of midnight, though the guys that won, still hung around. Weird, I would have been home long before 12! I could cancel my pre-order another day.There were a couple people dressed up, but not many. Bestbuy did a better job promoting their Xbox party in Toronto, so I imagine most costumes went there.Oh, and as a side note, I don’t recommend going to a midnight release at EB Games / GameStop they run it like it’s a regular business day. People ahead of me were there trading in other games and stuff. Mine was already paid for in full, I just had to pick it up, was about 25 in line, and it was almost 1 o’clock before I got mine. I’ll remember that for next time.

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