Married and Loving “Single Ladies”

Let’s face it. Living Single, Sex and the City, and now Single Ladies were all successful shows – why? Because watching the lives of single people as they navigate relationships is interesting and entertaining – especially for those of us off the market.

Single Ladies raised the bar by being an hour-long drama, with a tinge of comedy set in Hotlanta, GA. Though the writing and acting wasn’t award-winning, I anticipated its arrival every week, and am eagerly awaiting its return to see what the outcome will be in the lives of Val, Keshia, and…and…what’s the other girl’s name?

What the show lacked in strong content, it made up for in glamorous costuming, a strong supporting cast, great celebrity cameos and most importantly DRAMA. Who would miss the trials of a woman with klepto tendencies dating a wealthy, elusive jeweler? Or a successful, fashionista entrepreneur finding the man of her dreams, only to learn that he doesn’t want to get married?

However, I think the real reason I enjoy shows that showcase single women doing their thing is that they remind me of the fun I had as a single on my quest to find true love. I loved meeting new people, experiencing new emotions, and learning more about what I wanted and needed in a mate. Through the ups and downs of dating I became very clear in what would and would not work for me in a long-term relationship. I’m reminded of the dates I had with the man that would become my husband, some of the crazy and exciting things we did and the experience of falling in love. Even more, watching the trials and tribulations of finding love in a show like Single Ladies keeps at the forefront the one thing we continue to do that helps maintain the spark in our marriage: making date night a priority.