Manscaping! Trim the Lawn!

Fellas, the same way you like for your lady to be neatly trimmed please give her the same courtesy. MOW THE LAWN!!!!! Yes, I said it! Get out your clippers (with a guard, we wouldn’t want any mishaps:), a pair of scissors and a comb to tame the beast in your boxers. The same goes for any unsightly hair on other places on your body. Here are a few helpful tips to make  your man-scaping easier.

  • Shaving- If being bald is your preference be sure to use your clippers. Shaving the traditional way can cause ingrown hairs. (Mikki’s quick tip: exfoliate the area after with a loofah to help the hair grow back without razor bumps.)
  • Nair- Yes, the same stuff your lady uses works for you. But if you are bothered by the pink bottle, hop over to CVS. They sell a Nair for Men 🙂
  • Waxing- The thought probably scares you half to death but the result is baby-smooth skin that your woman would love to kiss. Try it out. Many waxing salons offer Manzilians to get all of the unwanted hair…..EVERYWHERE! Come on, you can take a little temporary pain.
  • Use your lady- Many of us are more than willing to help you trim or totally remove hair. Casually bring it up to her and see if she volunteers. You may get a little treat in the process.
With all of that said, if you like your hair everywhere great! But take into consideration how your partner may feel about it. Life is full of compromises. This may be a small one with BIG rewards.

Mikki Bey is a Los Angeles-based makeup artist who believes in the power of the universe to bring her all the desires of her heart. Fearless, determined and capable – she’s a bad mamajama! She can be reached at