Make a Run on Big Banks!

The time for talk is over! You asked what the plan of action for OWS was? Here it is!

What started out as just a Facebook event page by Kristen Christian of California, quickly went viral and garnered national media attention.

Now the Facebook event for Bank Transfer Day hosts more than 75,000 attendees and has inspired other events including College Bank Transfer Day and a “Move Your Money” day hosted by the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York.

Progressive organizations such as the PCCC and MoveOn have begun their own campaigns, as well as the New Bottom Line launching their own “Move Our Money” campaign. Even groups small and large are hosting their own events, getting their friends, colleagues, relatives and more to join in on the movement.

Big banks gambled with mortgages, created the sub-prime bubble, crashed the world economy, bought politicians, got billions in bailouts plus 0% loans, corrupted the SEC and FED, paid almost NO taxes, forged foreclosure documents, incarcerated innocent minorities for profit, perjured themselves to Congress and paid billions to their executives in bonuses. And the GOP supported it all.

Since politicians (on both sides of the aisle) are beholden to Wall Street, it now becomes YOUR responsibility to do whatever you can to save your community from the hole that Wall Street has dug for all of us.

On or before November 5, Sickly Cat Online Magazine and Occupy Wall Street ask you to withdraw all of your money from big banks such as Wells Fargo, Chase & Bank of America and deposit them into Credit Unions and Community Banks that reinvest in their communities.

This doesn’t just send a message to Wall Street, it takes action against Wall Street!

To find a community bank near you, visit

*A special plea to Black banks in the community: We need you to STEP UP! This is a prime opportunity to gain business from the people within the community you serve! Please give us an alternative by offering all of the same services (and caliber of service) as the larger banks!

Chase Bank Gets Innocent Black Man Thrown In Jail

Ikenna, a 28-year old construction worker, went to deposit a $8,463.21 Chase cashier’s check at his local Chase branch, only for the teller to decide that neither he nor his check looked right and he got tossed in jail for forgery, KING5 reports. The next day, a Friday the bank realized its mistake and left a message with the detective. But it was her day off, so he spent the entire weekend in jail.

By the time he got out, he had been fired from his job for not showing up to work. His car had been towed as well. It ended up getting sold off at auction because he couldn’t afford to get it out of the pound. He had been relying on that cashier’s check for his money but it was taken as evidence and by the time he got it back it was auctioned off.

All this while the cashier’s check had been issued by the very bank he was trying to cash it at.

Chase didn’t even apologize, not even after a year. A lawyer volunteered to help write a strongly-worded letter requesting damages. After trying hard to get a response, they sent KING 5 a two-sentence reply: “We received the letter and are reviewing the situation. We’ll be reaching out to the customer.”


Source: Sickly Cat