Where Did All the Black Male Teachers Go?

By Leslie T. Fenwick (via Thegrio)

Recently, Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced TEACH, a national campaign to increase the number of African-American and Latino males being prepared as PK-12 classroom teachers. Nearly 40 percent of public school students are African-American or Latino. In many school districts this statistic hovers above 90 percent. Yet, less than 8 percent of the nation’s teachers are African-American and fewer than 4 percent are Hispanic/Latino. In schools inside central cities, 73 percent of teachers are white. In urban schools outside of central cities, 91 percent of public school teachers are white.

Unfortunately, there is a national mythology operating about why the number of African-American teachers, in particular, is so dismally low. The myth goes like this: With desegregation, blacks pursued professions more lucrative than public school teaching. The truth is that massive white-resistance to the desegregation of public schools prompted the firings, demotions and dismissals of legions of highly credentialed and effective black teachers and principals.

In almost all instances, these black educators were replaced by lesser credentialed whites. The fight to decimate the ranks of black principals and teachers leading integrated schools and classrooms was so pervasive that a series of hearings about the displacement of black school principals in desegregated schools was held by the Select Committee on Equal Education Opportunity of the Senate in 1972.

read the entire article at TheGrio.com

BLACK is…the New Sheriff UPDATE!

Allow me to introduce you to Ryan Anthony Lumas. Who is  Ryan Anthony Lumas? Besides being my friend and  former member of the US Navy, whom I’ve had the pleasure  of serving with, Ryan is a writer, artist, cartoonist, actor,  comedian, rapper, verteran and he recently, by chance, added political activist to his resume. How so? By simply doing a family member a favor and writing a song.

Ryan was asked to put together a rap about Elizabeth Warren, chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel and professor of law at Harvard University. In a new western-themed music video from Main Street Brigade, featuring Ryan, Warren is hailed as “the new sheriff.” The spot highlights her deep credentials and makes the case for why she should be the Obama administration’s pick to head the recently-established CFPA.

A Time Magazine cover story published in May, lauded Warren as one of “the new sheriffs of Wall Street.” Ryan, and the Main Street Brigade took it from there.

Since the  video’s viral appearance on YouTube and FunnyOrDie.com , it has caught the attention of other sites, including the Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal, Federal Times, Washington Post,  and even BloombergTV.

I’d like to give a BLACKis shout out and congrats to Ryan Anthony Lumas. Keep entertaining while educating, and inspiring us ALL!


Ryan was recently featured in a New York Times arcticle! here


Black Is…Russian

Jean Gregoire Sagbo recently made history as the first Black person elected to office in Russia. Sagbo, originally from the county of Benin is West Africa has been a resident of Novozavidovo, Russia for the last 21 years and was elected to the office of municipal councilor by other residents because they believe him to be an honest man. Click here to read more about his fascinating journey to office.

Photo courtesy of AP Images