You too, are destined for GREATNESS!

For those of us (like myself), going through the day-to-day exercise of wake up, work, sleep, repeat, I’d like to say…STOP IT! Trust me, I’m yelling at myself as well. We all have the following key characteristics inside of us: we are all inspired to want to be great, desire to be noticed, and have the strength to fight for what belongs to us. I guess the question is how? How do I get it out so I can rise to a level of greatness? I, too, am still searching for that answer. And by searching I don’t mean sitting in front of the TV or computer wishing to be like the people I see. By search, I mean to continually progress, whether it be through religion, education, small business ventures, or just volunteering your time to help those less fortunate. Also, staying positive, giving thanks for what I do have, and not complaining about what I don’t.  Lost your home, unemployed, have a baby on the way? Trust me, you are not alone on that boat, and it’s NOT sinking! Maybe a few words of wisdom from a friendly, familiar face might help ignite the fire of greatness inside of you.

Don’t just have a nice day, make it a great day, everyday!


3 Replies to “You too, are destined for GREATNESS!”

  1. Your thoughts are physical….that is so mind blowing! My thoughts today were sad, lonely, tired, maybe overwhelmed. and you know what, that’s what I looked like. Even a random stranger could read it on my face.

    I like to think of myself as a realist, and hearing Will talk about nothing being unrealistic completely disproves my thought process. I approaced realism as never succombing to the unrealistic, limiting my self to the what has already been done instead of imagining what could be.

    Nice find Mr. CEO!

  2. Wow…thank you for speaking to my spirit!! If someone were to cut my wrist at this very moment my dreams would pour out of my body and coat the floor. My dreams run so deep they cause my heart to beat. My dreams whisper, “I Love You, to my son and husband as they sleep. These dreams will one day foster dreams in children that many have deemed dreamless. Thanks Mr. CEO. Sometimes encouragement comes in the most unexpected places. I am comforted. I needed a recharge.

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