LA Kids: Prince vs. MJ Party

There are some parties in LA that one can’t miss: The Wonderfull Party hosted by DJ Spinna (Stevie Wonder all night long!) and ANY Prince vs. MJ party, although Spinna’s is legendary. I can’t vouch for this DJ, but my blackness requires that I pass the info on. Besides, how can you go wrong with the playlist? This invite just hit my facebook inbox – be there or be assed out!

The Prince versus Michael Party: A Purple Thriller w/ DJ Tendaji Lathan

When: Friday, June 18, 2010 at 8:00pm

Where: Royal/T Art Gallery, 8910 Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA

Occasionally, an event of cosmic proportion immerses our collective consciousness. On June 18, as the Summer’s steamy embrace reacquaints us with golden memories, one such event soars toward our galaxy. Gliding across the decades at an agile pace, you’ll be enveloped by the essence of the King of Pop and seduced by His Royal Badness. At the very moment you confront the majestic edifice that is Royal/T (, you’ll be enamored with the aura and allure of Celestial beings in your midst.

DJ Tendaji Lathan will be spinning from the extensive collection of danceable hits, collaborations, and covers from Prince and Michael Jackson. This includes Prince produced songs, the Jackson family, and more all night long.

Prolific artistry. Priceless personalities. Michael and His Majesty; partying at the speed of sound…

Brought to you by Darnell Holcomb

Cover Charge is $10 before 10:30PM and $20 thereafter. Upscale attire is required. RSVP to