Listen in to a roundtable discussion as KC and the family discuss interracial dating. Podcast guests include Chris Lehman, Tash Moseley, Toria Williams, Mike Eagle, Kwabena Haffar, Leisha Mack, and Dr. Wayne Byrd.

4 comments on 15 Minute Break: Interracial Dating

  1. lovingshanelle says:

    Will this podcast be available on itunes soon?

    1. kclehman says:

      We publish here and on and it goes to iTunes after that. It should be available for download in about a week.

  2. Kevin johnson says:

    I grew up in a school system that exposed me to all ethnic backgrounds. So as a child it was not a big deal to date out of my race. As I got older I did try to connect with black women but because I grew up totally different from other black kids I was treated different. I enjoyed things that were considered “white” and black women or little black girls did not respect me for that. So the older I got I realized that women of other races accepted me for me! I didn’t have to change who I was to make them love me. My first wife was Asian and the truth is it was never a big deal for me. She loved me and I loved her. After my marriage ended I tried dating black women again because I felt like I owed it to myself to try again. What I discovered was that as black women age they become more accepting of different things. Today I am married to a black woman that accepts me for me and embraces all the different things I do. If we teach our young sisters early in life that black men will come in all shapes, forms and demeanor then we’ll be doing our young people a great service. Regardless love is love and that’s all that matters.

  3. Jennifer Champlin says:

    I grew up in a town that had few families other than white but I was fortunate enough to never experience or witness racism. People where really open and welcome to new people, ideas, and culture. I think interracial relationships are beautful things, love is hard to find, we learn more about ourselves and the world around us by opening our hearts to anyone. I had an amazing interracial relationship a couple years ago, he broke my heart. I never saw the color of his skin, he was just this amazing person I loved. When we were together I never saw anyone giving a second look to us except for some black women. I even had one ask me “dont they have enough white guys for you, you have to take one of ours?” I have dated men from several ethnic backgrounds…I never thought of myself as taking from someone else just because Im dating outside my race. I will always continue to keep my heart open, but I admit that I was selfconcious after hearing that…I never cared what other people thought of ME before.

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